Friday, November 19, 2021

Exclusive First Look at Alpha's Mates - It's Release day!!

Buy Alpha's Mates NOW!!

The night of Greek Shifter Game’s Gala...

Jackson challenged Christoph. Forced Christoph into action before he’d been ready. Ever since the day his father threw him into the room with all of those lionesses, his mind had been scattered. Yes, he used sex with others to quiet the anguish and turmoil knotting his gut and turning his insides to blocks of ice whenever he thought too long or too hard about the situation. No matter what his father said, there was no consent from anyone there, most especially him. The minute his father forced Christoph to shift, was the moment he couldn’t say no.

Yet, he had the chance here.

He could tell Bell tonight wasn’t right for them. That if he did something stupid, it would mess up everything. Then again, it seemed he’d been messing up more and more where she was concerned. Laney and Reagan had begun their torture of Bell and Hayden the minute they stepped onto the field at the Greek Shifter Games. Now, it appeared, they were going in harder. Faster. With Hill and Winston behind them, it was only a matter of time before Bell and Hayden got hurt. The idea of his mate suffering because of his inaction compounded the guilt already eating away at his conscience.

No, tonight he had to show Bell without words she belonged to him. He only wished he could say she was his, but Jackson, he realized, was part of them as well. The unsettled part of him, not because of what happened to him at home, but some foreign instinct reared up within him the minute Bodhi asked Jackson to be Bell’s escort. Christoph had willingly agreed to go with Reagan—though, was it really willingly, when she was blackmailing him?

Three days before the games began, Laney approached him. She’d been so sly about her intentions it wasn’t until he was sitting down at a table in a restaurant of her choosing, to listen to her spin her version of what happened before he left home that he understood the tangled web she weaved around him. Somehow, Laney had found out about the lionesses and what he’d done that day. In the end, she threatened to go public if he didn’t do as she wanted.

Because of his fear and disgust, he followed through, knowing full well others would be hurt by his actions. No matter how much he tried to forget or escape that day, he’d never be able to, no matter how hard he tried. He also understood the longer he kept the truth to himself, the more he’d hurt any chance he had to make things possible for him, Bell, and Jackson. 

While Bell talked to her cousins and sibling, he pulled Jackson aside. He had to have the guy’s permission. It was a fucked up proposition, but it was also something he needed. “Hey, man, I need a favor.”

Jackson stared at him hard. The disgruntled look on his face, along with the air of superiority that always followed the dragon everywhere he went, enveloped Christoph. Of the both of them, they were matched strength for strength, but he also could admit when he saw the superior species standing before him. Didn’t make him any less Alpha in his estimates. “Oh? What’s the favor?”

“I want to spend the night with Bell—preferably alone.” Christoph knew he was reaching. Jackson had every right to say no and be there in that room with them.

“If I say no?” Jackson cocked a brow as though he’d heard Christoph’s churning thoughts. “If I say we claim her together, then what?”

Anger simmered to the surface. He would have to explain everything then, and he didn’t think he could say the words. Let alone expose the deep wound consuming his thoughts since that day. “Then I will refrain from touching her.” Even though the idea only pissed off his lion.

Jackson laughed. “How did we get here, Christoph? How did we end up both trying to win the hand of our mate and each other?”

He turned the question over in his mind. “I don’t understand.” The electric current coursing through Christoph vibrated over his skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. He couldn’t explain the magnetic pull between them. He associated it with them being fated to Bell. Nothing more. Nothing less. Now, standing there with Jackson, he wondered if their connection ran deeper than some simple explanation could bring.

“I think you do,” Jackson said. “I don’t think you’re ready for it yet.”

Bewildered, he stood there, not sure what to say or how to broach the question again about needing to be with Bell for the night. “Where do we go from here?” 

“If you insist on having Bell to yourself tonight, I’ll watch over both of you. You don’t need Laney or Reagan interrupting you.”

“Thank you,” Christoph murmured.

“Don’t thank me yet, cat,” Jackson grumbled. “I have a caveat. You don’t put a single mark on her. We mark her together when I say. Not when you want.”

Christoph stared at the dragon. “Fine, but the same rule applies to you as well.”

“I wouldn’t have made it if I didn’t intend to keep my word,” Jackson muttered. “Where do you intend to have this little rendezvous?”

“I have a room at the hotel in town.”

Jackson grunted. “Of course you do.” He gave a dry chuckle. “Get going before the stupid cows see you leave with Bell. I’ll keep everyone distracted then follow behind you.”

“Thank you, I owe you.” Then Christoph did the one thing that shocked him, yet didn’t cool the arousal burning through his gut. He brushed his lips over Jackson’s in a chaste kiss before turning to walk away.

Jackson’s soft gasp went straight to Christoph’s crotch. His already impossibly hard cock gave a hard throb. Heat filled his cheeks and his spine stiffened with tension. What was that all about? He’d never fooled around with guys before, so what made Jackson different? He refused to glance over his shoulder to stare back at Jackson, afraid if he did, he’d do something irresponsible for an Alpha of his stature—like take him to the floor and mount him in front of everyone.

Instead, he focused on where Bell stood with her family. Nico and Hayden had already departed, leaving Zoe and Tate. However, Victor closing the distance with Tate led him to believe Tate would be on his way as well. Christoph cleared his throat, catching Bell’s attention. When she turned to face him, her expression lit up. There was eagerness, joy, and excitement flaring to life in her sky-blue eyes.

“Christoph,” she murmured. “What can I do for you?”

“Can we go somewhere to talk?” He hated the angsty edge in his tone and the way he sounded so uncertain about what they were about to do.

She glanced back at her twin, who shooed her away. “I suppose I could. Where would you like to go?”

Far away from here. Although he didn’t say as much out loud. “I have a place.” He held out his hand. “If you’d like to join me, that is.”

“Why, all of a sudden?” She stared up at him with such openness and understanding. “Is it because of Jackson?”

“Maybe a little because of him. He will be there too, watching over us,” Christoph said, hoping to cajole some of her worry. 

“Okay.” She took his hand. “I talk to you later, Zoe. Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Isn’t that my line to you?” Zoe arched a brow, then laughed. “Have fun, you two. I’ll let the others know.”

Bell rolled her eyes. “So where is this place you’d like to go?”

“Someplace we can be alone, but it’s a bit of a drive first.” Christoph led her out of the room and into the brisk night air. It was perfect to him, not too hot and not too cold. His lion inhaled, drawing in the fresh scents of fall and the subtle sweetness of strawberries and cream wafting from his tiny mate beside him.

“Tonight was interesting,” Bell whispered. “I’m glad we could help so many people.”

The little bits and pieces he’d learned about her family over the last few weeks, he liked. They were good people. Kind. They wanted to help their community, not like his father, who’d be happy to tear people apart. He wished he could have grown up with Bell. Maybe then his life would have been different. “Me too. From what I’ve heard, your aunts and mom are doing a good thing there in Window Rock.”

Pink tinged her cheeks, allowing her freckles to stand out in relief against her ivory skin. “Thank you. They’ve worked so hard since we were little. I am sure they will put all the donations we’ve raised to good use.” She smiled at him, and his heart skipped a beat. She was gorgeous. Perfect, even if she didn’t see it yet.

“This is me.” When he came back to the states, he’d had enough money to buy a truck. He didn’t know why he got the gas guzzler, but it fit him. Perhaps he also used it to hide all of his scars, too. He unlocked her door, then helped her in. When she was settled, he came around the front, then got in behind the wheel. “It’ll take us a minute to get there. Jackson will be right behind us.”

“So you said.” Bell smoothed out the skirt of her satin dress. “Why is he going to follow, again?”

“This is me apologizing to you for everything I’ve fucked up on. I didn’t want us to be interrupted by those she-beasts.” Christoph started his truck before backing out of his spot. “I have to explain everything to you, and I hope when I do, you won’t hold it against me.”

“All of us have our secrets,” she murmured. “Even me.”

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Check out the first chapter of Let It Ride

Good morning everyone!

We are so stoked to be bringing you all new books from our TSU series. We have some major news and updates coming soon. Until then, please enjoy the first chapter of Let It Ride!

Until next time, keep reading!

TL and Michele

Chapter 1

The week of the Greek Shifter Games...

Fuck, he’s beautiful. 

Tate stared at Victor Lorenz across the room from him at the gala for the Greek Shifter Games. He'd been invited by his cousins, and he couldn't say no if it meant being closer to Victor. He'd been lusting after the junior since the moment he'd caught him dressed up in a toga showing off all of that muscular sun-kissed flesh of his. He also didn't stand a chance with the man.

Tate didn't let it stop him though. He heard from a few people around campus Victor had a thing for athletes and Tate happened to fill the bill. His parents would have paid for his tuition if need be, but, like Bodhi, he'd received a full-ride scholarship because of his soccer skills. As a freshman, he was leading the pack for the first-team All-American and would be playing on a homegrown team in the off-season. He hadn't told his parents yet, because he'd only received the invitation earlier in the day.

Tomorrow I’ll tell them.

Tonight, he had plans. 

Tate crossed the dance floor. His determined strides ate up the distance between him and the object of his lust. Of course, his attraction could be a futile one. Victor might be straight or had a partner, or worse yet a mate. In all his fishing for information, Tate hadn’t asked the important questions. Still, those questions should be asked in person, instead of dredged up in a conversation with someone other than said person.

He, on the other hand, didn't have much experience. No, he wasn't a virgin per se. He'd had sex a few times, who hadn't? Estrus. Full moon. Shifters' sex drives were always wound tight, so getting away with being a virgin in a pack/pride was hard to do. He wondered more than a few times how Hayden never had sex before Nico. Then again, after everything she’d been thorough, plus Nico hurting her, Hayden’s situation was a moot point. 

 Tate, on the other hand, had exactly two partners. A girl his age, who was okay. Her pussy was wet, his dick was hard, however, the experience was underwhelming. The guy was marginally better. He got off harder, but he still felt as though it'd been lacking an extra bit of oomph. So, he didn't try again, which left him in all kinds of knots. Being away from home, he hoped to gain a bit more experience. Quench the urge to fuck and rut through different cycles. Yet in the couple of months since he'd arrived for soccer camp, nothing. He hoped to find the one person who'd complete him as his cousin had.

He glanced over at his cousin, Hayden, and her mate, Nico, and grinned. Finally, they found their peace. For the last few years, he watched both of them struggle. He also saw the budding of his sister’s relationship with two Alphas, Christoph, and Jackson. Whether she knew it or not, she was in for a world of change. Speaking of which, Tate stopped the minute Christoph came up behind Bell, pausing her and Jackson’s dance. He snickered under his breath as the big lion turned her around and kissed her soundly. 

Damn it, he wanted that kind of a moment too. 

“They make an interesting trio, don’t they?” Victor’s smooth husky voice shot straight to Tate’s groin.

“Yeah, Bell deserves happiness,” Tate replied.

Victor arched one of his perfect black brows. “Oh? You know her?” The corner of his mouth twitched then lifted in a sensual way—or maybe Tate only imagined it did.

“I do,” he answered. “She’s my sister.”

“Oh, isn’t this delicious.” Victor reminded Tate instantly of Blake, Hayden’s second dad. Maybe that’s why he was immediately attracted to Victor. Tate did have a thing for older men and, well, only a stupid person couldn’t see how hot Blake truly was—not that he’d poach or anything. “You must be part of the contingency from Window Rock, I’ve heard so much about.”

Tate blinked, caught off guard by Victor’s knowledge of them. “How did you—” 

“I know a lot of things, Tate Dryer,” Victor murmured. “Just like I know you’re number 9 on the soccer team. You’ve already been scouted for the new USL team along with a few others in the MLS. I also know you’re playing for a homegrown team during the Spring term.”

Shit. Word got around fast. But, if he knew who Tate was, how did he not know Bell was his sister? “You should have known Bell was my sister then.”

Victor took a sip of his champagne and shrugged. The graceful movement held Tate momentarily mesmerized. "I have heard of Zoe Dryer, and I assumed Bell would have had dark hair as well, like the both of you."

"We're not blood-related," Tate offered. "Zoe and Bell are fraternal twins. Zoe is like our father, she had dark hair and cauliflower blue eyes. While Bell resembles our mother, blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Me... I was discarded. Our father found me, and my brother Henry then adopted us.” He didn’t know why he was telling Victor about his family life. The guy hadn’t asked for it, yet he’d felt obliged to tell him.

“Interesting.” Victor’s gaze ate up Tate inch by inch. Already Tate’s dick was twitching behind the confines of his slacks, hardening to the point of pain. “I’d heard the pack and pride in Window Rock was filled with diversity. The Alpha and his Co-Alpha are quite formidable.”

Tate’s chest puffed up. “Yes, my father and Kalkin work well together. Both are fair and can be strict when need be.” Victor had pulled more information from him than he’d been able to gain from the man who’d filled his every waking thought. “Enough about me though, what about you?”

“Me, huh?” Victor pressed his hand to his chest. “Did you cross the dance floor to get to know me, Tate?”

“If I said yes?” He cocked a brow, eager to hear Victor’s answer. “Would you indulge me?”

“Oh, honey, you have to buy me dinner first and show me a good time. I’m like a vault and you need the combo.” Victor started away from Tate, depositing his empty glass flute onto a tray before grabbing a full one.

Buy him dinner? Done. Tate didn't care. He'd do whatever it took. The memory of the first time he'd seen Victor had been burned into his mind. They'd passed each other in the cafeteria. Victor had been with a group of guys, one of the frats—he couldn't remember the name off-hand—and Victor laughed. It was loud, full-bodied, and bombastic. His features lit up turning him from handsome to jaw-dropping gorgeous. In an instant Tate's dick went hard, leaving him lightheaded. It clicked then Tate might be into guys more than girls, or maybe it'd been the fact he hadn't met the right one until then.

He stood there next to the bar watching as Victor mingled among the different people who attended the gala. He had a way with people. His charm left all the girls sighing and the guys either jealous or wanting a piece of him for themselves. Tate was in the same boat as those guys, pissing him off even more. Jealousy ripped through his gut, but instead of making another move, he’d stayed rooted in his spot. It wasn’t like him to not go after what he wanted, then again, Victor was a junior, and he was a freshman. 

The man was out of Tate’s league. 

"Hi Tate," Daisy, fellow freshman and lioness said, pausing beside him. "Are you having a good time?" She was sweet, in the make-his-back-teeth-ache kind of way. If he'd been into girls more she'd be the one he'd enjoy estrus with or the full moon. Unfortunately, she didn't get his blood pounding as Victor had.

“I am,” he answered. “How about you?” 

“It’s nice.” She grabbed a cup off the bar and took a sip. “The competition was a bit violent though.”

Ah yes. The shifter games. Because of his soccer schedule, he’d only been present for a couple of the events. From what he witnessed; Daisy had a point. He’d seen how messed up Nico’s face was after the fight. It’d been a good thing he could shift to help heal his broken nose and black eyes. “Very much so.”

“Too bad you couldn’t participate.” She glanced up at him with soft amber eyes. He inhaled and caught the scent of her arousal and hopefulness. “I’m sure you would have been a champion.”

“Thank you for the compliment,” he murmured. “Soccer is my passion though, and we did win our game this past week so there are tradeoffs.”

“Do you enjoy soccer then?” 

He closed his eyes. Victor had been so straightforward. There’d be no beating around the bush with him, unless of course, they were jerking each other off, behind said bush. “Very much so.” He faced her then. “Daisy, I think you’re awesome and—” 

“Be my first, Tate,” she whispered, her pleading gaze locked on his. “I’m tired of being a virgin.”

Well, shit. Tate rubbed the back of his neck. Not the turn he thought the conversation would go in, though he suspected as much. "Daisy, I can't. As much as I am honored by your request, I have someone already, and I won't betray them." It wasn't a lie, however, it also hadn't been the truth. He wanted Victor. Badly. He wouldn't screw up his chances if he could help it.

“Oh.” She looked down at her feet and nodded. “I’m sorry for being so forward.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. I understand how you feel, and I’ve been in your shoes before too. It’s not fun being on the outside looking in. Trust me though, you want to be with someone who wants you as much as you want them.” Shit, when did he get so fucking wise while also being a dick? The truth was, he hadn’t cared about feelings the couple of times he had sex. His dick had been hard, and his partners were willing. That was all that mattered.

“It really isn’t,” she murmured. 

Fuck, he hated being this guy—the guy who turned down a pretty girl willing to have sex with him. He scanned the dance floor and found Victor with a girl on the dance floor. He laughed at something she said, his eyes sparkling in the soft light of the ballroom. Outside looking in, huh? Tate wasn’t giving up on him though. 

He’d try again later.

“Have a good night, Daisy,” Tate said, before joining his sisters and cousins at their table. He let out a frustrated breath as he pulled at his tie, loosening the knot. Guilt ate at his gut. He’d never had a woman or girl ask him to take their virginity before. The pressure was a bit overpowering to say the least and stressful too.

“You look like you need alcohol,” Zoe muttered. “Something to knock the shadows out of your eyes.”

“I need to be flogged,” he grunted, pressing the heels of his palms to his eyes. “I can’t believe that just fucking happened.” 

“You didn’t break her heart did you?” Hayden arched a brow while staring at him over the rim of her drink. Nico sat to her right, his body relaxed in his chair while his arm was draped across her shoulders.

“You guys saw that?” He groaned. “Fuck my life.”

“Could be groped like Bell was on the dancefloor,” Zoe teased.

If Victor was doing the groping he’d be all for it. “Bell looked like she was having fun.” He shrugged. 

"So, what did the girl ask," Nico prodded, tilting his head. The light of the room hit the mark Hayden left on him, and Tate's gut clenched with venomous envy. He wanted to wear the mark of a mate and to be the one to leave the bite behind.

“To be her first.” He sighed scrubbing his face. “Talk about pressure.” He did the right thing. He’d probably told himself a million times since walking away it was for their own good, yet he couldn’t also help but feel a little guilty turning her down.

“Holy fuck,” Alex chuckled. “Talk about Déjà vu.”

Hayden flipped Alex off. “That’s a big ask.”

“Little wolf, I remember you requesting Alex for a little help in that department too last weekend.” Nico nuzzled her neck. “I also understand how frustrating it must be to see everyone around her enjoying themselves, and she hasn’t experienced the highs of sex.”

Nico was...prolific in Window Rock. Tate knew more about Nico’s sex life than anyone, however when Hayden entered the picture, things changed, or everyone thought they had until that fateful few weeks before Hayden’s graduation. “I guess it’s why I feel guilty. I wish I could help her out, but...” He shook his head.

“Not your problem,” Zoe said, staring at him. “You have to remember your status brings you pussy and dick.”

Oh, God. She sounded just like their dad. "Zoe, I swear, if you give me a dad lecture, I'm going to tell Rocky you don't wear underwear."

She chuckled. The dark intonation didn’t bode well for him. “He already knows, but that’s beside the point. She came to you to use you for status too. She’d get her cherry popped by you and she’d also get the status of being with a jock and the son of an Alpha.”

Okay, so maybe Zoe did have a point after all. “You’re right.”

"I know." She shrugged. "Anyway, she's also looking for a mate from what I've heard through gossip."

Well. Shit. "Damn. I'm not her mate though. It would have defeated her purpose unless she doesn't understand how matings work." The only thing he'd heard rumors about and wanted to know if it was true, had been shifting mid-intercourse and fucking like animals. Supposedly if done right, a shifter could perform like their animal counterpart, which meant he'd barb his mate, like wolves knotted theirs in human and wolf form.

“Again, not your problem,” Zoe said. 

No, it wasn’t. 

“You were talking to that guy at the bar, the MC from the games,” Hayden said. “He’s kind of cute.”

Nico growled. “Kind of cute, little wolf?”

“He’s a horse from what I’ve heard,” Zoe added then slammed her elbow onto the table, rattling the dishes. “Dick the size of your forearm.”

God. She was so much like their father. Vulgar. Loud. Didn’t give a fuck about boundaries. “Jesus, Zoe. Keep it down would you.”

She laughed. “You’re too easy, Tate. It’s what I love about you the most.”

“Well, love me less if you’re here to embarrass people,” he replied. “Besides, it’s not like I talked to him much. His time is precious, and he had other places to be.” Probably saw Daisy lurking behind Tate and that’s what sent him away. 

“Well, good luck with that,” Zoe said. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to mingle. Hayden, want to mingle with me?”

She grinned and shook her head. “Nah, Nico and I have other plans. We don’t give a shit about this gala. We’re going to sneak out and go have some fun.”

Again, resentment tightened Tate’s chest, making it hard to breathe as one by one everyone left the table but him. What he wouldn’t give for a beer or something equally alcoholic to wash away how ridiculous he looked sitting there alone while his family was off doing whatever the fuck they pleased—not that it would work for him.

“This seat taken?” Victor joined him. 

Tension filled him. He feared if he breathed the wrong way, Victor would disappear again. His heart pounded. His palms were sweaty. This close to the man who stole his ability to think let alone reason, he could see the golden flakes of his eyes hooded by his obsidian tipped lashes. The way his whiskey-hued eyes sparkled with a naughtiness Tate wished was only for him. 

“Not at all.” He motioned to the chair next to him. “Have a seat.” Perhaps his night was looking up after all.


Tate Dryer... 

Sitting this close to him now, Victor could see he wasn't anything like his siblings. Was it due to him being adopted or more because he hid his true self? Pot meet kettle. Victor chalked his need to keep his proclivities secret because of his status. His parents were disgustingly wealthy. He came from amazing breeding stock and if they found out he was gay, well, he'd probably be disowned. So, he acted as the consummate playboy to keep up appearances. He supposed though, he should call himself bisexual, there were plenty of women in the school who'd ridden his stallion dick to climax. However, there were an equal number of men who'd done the same.

That wasn't here nor there, because his attention was on Tate. The minute he smelled the scent of linen and cloves, his horse reared up, excited by the prospect of finding a mate, scary as it may be, delighted him. Though he would be having a little fun with Tate first, of course. Couldn't give in to the mating so easily.

Victor leaned into the panther, his lips inches from the shell of the feline’s ear. “Would you like to go somewhere a little more private?”

Tate jerked. His hazel eyes locked with Victor’s whiskey-colored gaze. He was guarded. Victor didn’t blame him. People had a way of talking around the school and if anyone knew about exploits it was Victor. Nonetheless, when he inhaled the heady scent of arousal wafting from the man beside him, it chased away any doubt he had Tate didn’t want him. “Where do you want to go? I have a roommate.”

Victor chuckled. That was the part about freshmen he loved the most, they were still naive. "Tell me, Tate, have you ever done anything remotely sexual with another person outside, in the dark, or during the day?"

Tate shook his head. His athletic body trembled as the smell of his nervousness chased the arousal. Excitement coursed through Victor’s body as he licked his lips. “No.”

“Want to with me, tonight?” The corner of his mouth twitched in anticipation. Before the night was over, if he wanted, he could have Tate wrapped around his little finger—among other places. 

"I don't want a one-night stand, Victor," Tate murmured, not meeting his gaze. “I’ve already done stuff like that.”

"Then how about we call this fun and see what happens tomorrow?" If the feline knew who Victor was, he didn't give it away. He also appreciated Tate's candor. At least he was going in with his eyes wide open and his intentions laid out between the both of him. So what if Victor kept his objectives hidden for a little longer. Once Tate learned the truth about who he was and his wealthy status, things would become a little more complicated.

“Okay.” Tate stood then held his hand out to Victor.

He didn’t take it. All eyes were on them. “Not here.” Victor adjusted himself, the ache in his groin made it almost impossible to bear. “Meet me on the side of the building in five.”

Tate grunted. “I’ll be there.”

Victor buttoned his coat, covering some, not all, of the outline of his erection as he took his time heading for the exit. His heart pounded. Blood rushed through his veins spiking the adrenaline and excitement already coursing through him. Still, he had to play it cool. Going wild would get them caught and he couldn’t have them being seen. Not yet anyway. When the door opened up a few minutes later, Tate strolled through the door appearing unaffected by Victor’s proposition.

“Follow me,” Victor said, leading Tate toward one of the darkened areas away from prying eyes. “You should know, I like fucking outside. I get off on it.” He chuckled. “Could be because I’m a horse and we don’t give a shit when the need takes over.”

“Well, I could say the same for felines.” Tate removed his jacket and his tie, stuffing the strip into the pocket of his coat. “What did you want to do?”

A devious little grin tugged at Victor’s mouth. “I want to suck your cock, Tate. Show me.” He removed his pants and placed them on the sidewalk next to Tate’s belongings. 

“Sure.” His fingers twitched as he pulled down his zipper. In a small shove, his long hard dick sprang from the confines of his pants, and he let out a small moan. “Show me yours too.”

“Are you sure you can handle a horse’s cock?” Victor challenged. “We can be quite intimidating for some.”

Tate shrugged. “I’m sure I could handle you.”

Arrogant, he liked that. "Okay then. Don't say I didn't warn you." The thing about horse shifters was, their dicks, when hard, almost appeared like their counterpart's erection. Flared tip. Thick shaft. Plus, he came a lot, not small spurts like most guys. It was a little embarrassing, to say the least, and finding condoms were a pain in the ass. Thankfully, there was one place he could get them without a hassle. Though, they made pulling out an adventure. 

Victor tugged the zipper of his slacks down, careful not to catch himself in the teeth then reached in and pulled himself out. Already the head of his dick was covered in sticky precum. His shaft pulsed, spilling more of the clear substance. He was so close. Maybe he should have jerked off in the bathroom before making the trek outside. At least then he’d have a little more control.

“Show me what you look like when you come,” Tate said, pumping his fist over his length. “I’ve never been with a horse, so I’m curious and horny.”

“Are you going to let me fuck you after I cum, little kitty?” The deep intonation of his voice didn’t surprise Victor. Sure, they whinnied and neighed the same as their counterpart, however arousal changed their voice, giving it a deeper, darker sound like rocks knocking together.

“Never been fucked before,” Tate whispered. “Maybe it’ll be fun. Show me, Victor.”

“As you wish,” he grunted, stroking himself in long hard pulls. He was so close. His dick throbbed the tingle in his spine signaled he was going to blow any second. He chased the sensation, loving the way his whole body stiffened.

“I wonder where he went to,” Laney said. 

“I can’t believe Christoph kissed her like that,” Reagan muttered. “What a slut. Then Jackson. Talk about being a whore.”

Victor stiffened. He was right on edge ready to blow. Above him, Tate went deadly silent before crouching down in front of him. He pressed his finger to his lips as Laney and Reagan's footsteps grow closer. Thankfully, Tate had the presence of mind to grab their belongings and tug them into the dark. 

"I know he came out here. If anyone can chase the disgust away, it's Victor." Laney's high-pitched nasally voice rubbed Victor the wrong way. "I heard he's a marathoner. Can go all night."

Tate’s anger-filled hazel gaze snapped to Victor. Fuck, he needed to concentrate on not spilling his load and drawing those irritant girls’ attention in their direction. He mouthed, “Not true. I wouldn’t fuck them.” However, he did have a reputation, so whether or not Tate believed him, he didn’t know.

“They hurt Emma,” Tate whispered. 

He heard. "She didn't deserve it. They're ugly inside and out." There was being a mean girl and just being an ugly person. Changing out a dress size, intimidating someone who wouldn't harm a fly were all strikes against a person in Victor's book. "They're not my friends and I'd never fuck them." Tate on the other hand, all bets were off. He'd get inside him.

Just the thought of fucking the guy crouching in front of him sent a renewed spark of arousal through his veins. He wrapped his free hand around the back of Tate's neck and pulled his close. His lips pressed to his and the hunger, it seemed Tate had been controlling, snapped. He devoured Victor feasting and swallowing his moans of pleasure as he edged closer to his release. 

“Can I fuck you first,” Tate murmured against Victor’s lips. “Right here.”

Shit. What a question to ask while his dick was in his hand, and he was about to come hard. “Yes, quick though. So close it hurts.”

“Me too. Won’t last.” Tate positioned Victor as he wanted him then accepted the packet of lube from him. “Thanks.” In no time flat, he was pushing into Victor’s rear. It was a steady stroke, long and filled with intent. “Yep. Definitely not going to last. Your ass was made for me.”

Victor gasped. His body went tight. On Tate’s third stroke he was orgasming. “This is about to get messy.” 

“Same. I’m coming.” Tate pressed his forehead between Victor’s shoulders and groaned. “We could be here for a while.”

Victor chuckled to himself as the steady stream of his release flowed from his tip. “You can say that again.”

“Holy fuck that’s hot.” Somehow Tate had maneuvered himself to be able to watch. “It’s like this all the time?”

Victor nodded. “Kind of makes it hard to climax inside one of my partners.” Heat filled his cheeks. “It’s also why I bottom too.”

"I'm so fucking hard right now, and I just came." Tate chuckled when he finally pulled out. "I could spend all night inside of you. Maybe even try to ride that stallion cock of yours. See how much you could get inside me before pulling out."

Victor groaned as his dick gave a final kick before softening marginally. “Temptation.” The idea was more than a temptation though. He wanted to bring Tate back to his room at the fraternity and fuck him all night. “Meet me for lunch tomorrow. We’ll discuss doing this again, and me topping you.”

Heat flared to life in Tate’s eyes. “Lunch tomorrow. Tonight, however, I have something I want to try.”

“Oh,” Tate sparked Victor’s curiosity, “what’s that?”

Tate’s gaze became lazy as he crawled over the top of Victor and kissed him again. This time, though the demand was still there, there was also a languid quality to the kiss. When Tate pulled back Victor’s dick was hard and ready, something not unheard of with horse-shifters. “I’m going to suck your dick then maybe fuck you again.”

Shit. He shouldn’t have any kind of power over Victor. Then he laughed to himself. Yeah, Tate did. They were potential mates after all. “Then get to sucking, little kitty. Show me what you’ve got.”


Friday, March 16, 2018

A little something special ~ Read the first chapter of Bearing It All NOW!!

Chapter One

“I know you wanted to spend spring break with your friends at the lake, but I promise, you will like everyone.” Emma frowned. Since they’d packed up their car earlier that morning and left their apartment, her sister hadn’t said a word. “Please talk to me.” She hated when Cassidy shut her out, especially when they were both doing something new, like taking a trip with someone else’s family.
They'd grown up together for a short time, at least. Emma had raised her sister from the minute she'd been born, literally. Their mother died in childbirth, and their father, bless his soul, had passed within days of their mother. The powerful connection between mates left an indelible mark on his soul. The doctor called it a broken heart. She believed it. They'd been together for twenty years before she'd been born. When she was six, Cassidy had been born—all chubby and pink. Emma still liked to tease her about it every so often.
Thankfully, her parents had left them with enough—everything—to survive. Emma and Cassidy both had trust funds, their educations had been provided for, and their clan had made sure they had somewhere to call home . . . until the new alpha arrived. Then, they ended up in the human foster-care system with only the clothes on their backs and two bottles of formula for her sister. She realized, even at a young age, the alpha had done it in spite.
It pissed Ulric off when he couldn't touch their money, and for that, she'd been grateful to her parents. It came in handy when she matured out of the foster-care system and decided to adopt her sister. Spending twelve years in the human system and trying desperately not to shift, even though some humans knew of their existence, had been the hardest thing Emma or Cassidy had ever done.
When they arrived at Turnskin University, the first thing they’d done together was run through the hills as bears. It was the first time in many years that she heard her sister laugh. Emma promised herself, from that day on, she’d make sure she heard it every day, no matter what.
“They’re all older,” Cassidy whined. “What am I supposed to talk about with any of them?”
“Everything,” Emma answered. “They’re going to love you. I think once you get to know them, you’ll like them, too. From what I understand, Bell and Hayden have cousins . . . younger ones, your age, I think. They’ll all be there.”
Her sister still didn’t look convinced. “We’ll see.” Cassidy crossed her arms as they pulled into the small parking lot of Sigma Epsilon Xi that Mr. Dryer, and his brothers, built for Bell, when they added onto the house.
Since the third week of September, the house had been a flurry of action, becoming a renovation dream and nightmare. Between Bell having to submit blueprints to the college, to her father adding onto the house, it sometimes seemed like an uphill process. The one saving grace; Mr. Dryer had ordered prefabricated house frames. In three days’ time, he had the whole new section of the sorority house assembled. From there, it had taken a few more months to finish building the rest of the house.
By January, people were moving in, while others were finding their mates, and she sat on the outside looking in. Not because she didn’t have a special someone she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, she did.
He didn’t know, though.
“Not like we can go home,” her sister sighed. “I wish we could.”
So did Emma. “Me, too. But, hey, home is where our heart is. We’ve done well together. You’re almost a senior, and you’ve got colleges vigorously trying to recruit you. You should be so proud of yourself, Cassidy. Mom and Dad would be.”
“Yeah, maybe.” She sat forward and looked out the windshield. “So, this is the place, huh? Pretty big.”
Mr. Dryer tried to stay with the original look of the house. The same off-white stucco they blew onto the new sections of the house matched the front, same with the trim color. All told, they added six new bedrooms, three bathrooms, a study room, and an entertainment room, to an already four-bedroom house. Those who wanted to live there after they pledged could, and those who wanted to visit, could. With the added land Bell received after winning her case, her uncles also built them an area for picnic tables and a gazebo. It gave all of them a place to safely run and enjoy the outdoors.
“Cool.” Cassidy popped opened the door and got out. “Where are we putting our stuff?”
Emma glanced out into the parking lot where two SUVs and two trucks sat. “I think over there.” She pointed to the vehicles as she got out with her sister.
“Are we going to fit?” Cassidy cocked a brow.
“We should.” Emma closed the door to her car. “Come on, let’s go see what everyone is doing, and then, we’ll load up our stuff.”
Three weeks ago, Hayden had come to her excited as all get out. Her stepmom, Loraine, was in the final weeks of her pregnancy, and the baby was due any day now. She wanted to go home, so she could be there for the birth and spend some time with her parents, but she also wanted to celebrate everything with her friends. So, they made a sign-up list, all of Hayden's family would be going to Window Rock, Arizona, including a few of her closest friends, like Emma and her sister.
Emma knocked on the door and waited. When it opened, she was greeted by a very loud, very rambunctious group of people. Hayden grinned and ushered them inside. “Hey, Emma! Wait . . . I don't think we've met.” Hayden's curious, blue-eyed gaze latched onto Cassidy. “I'm Hayden, and you are?”
“Cassidy, younger sister and tag-along.” Her sister grinned, and her brown eyes glittered with mischief.
Hayden glanced at Emma. “Dude, why didn’t you tell us?”
She shrugged. “I guess, I got comfortable.” She hadn’t said anything because it seemed the more she talked about raising her sister, the more people pulled away. Most of the time, they muttered about baggage and too much responsibility. She didn’t see it as such. Emma would do anything for her sister.
“People are dip shits,” Cassidy explained. “They give Emma a hard time when she tells them about me.”
Emma’s eyes grew round with surprise. “Cassidy!”
“What? It’s true. You and I both know it. It’s easier to have friends when people are in the dark. I get it.” Her sister shrugged.
“Well,” Hayden said, ushering them in. “Any sister of Emma’s is welcome here. We are, after all, a couple of misfits.”
“Cool.” Cassidy shrugged. “So, when are we leaving?”
Hayden glanced around. “Soon. I think everyone is here.”
Across the way, Emma caught a glimpse of Bodhi–the reason she’d agreed to this little trip. For the last ten months, he’d been all she could think of. If he’d known how deeply she’d cared for him, he’d probably think she had psycho tendencies. He was handsome–tall, muscular with rugged, good looks. He always had a few days’ worth of scruff on his cheeks. She noticed when Hayden and Bell’s family worked on the house, they all kind of had it. He had piercing, blue eyes, a shade darker than Hayden’s, and full lips.
He didn’t walk, either; he stalked everything. Emma sometimes wondered if he realized he did it. Probably not. He was also on TSU's football team. He caught the ball when Alex threw it, which had been the extent of her sports knowledge. And, every cheerleader, football groupie, and basic girl in college wanted him.
Which meant, once more, Emma was on the outside looking in.
“Bodhi’s here,” Hayden said, pulling Emma out of her thoughts. “You should go say hi to him.”
“We’ll have plenty of time later . . . on the road . . . you know,” she answered, growing more bashful by the second. She questioned whether or not Hayden had read her thoughts or maybe she’d said his name out loud, again, and hadn’t realized it.
Her friend leaned in. “Your secret is safe with me, but between us, you need to talk to him. He likes you.”
Emma snorted, then instantly regretted it when all eyes were on her. “No thanks.”
Hayden pulled her through the crowd towards their renovated kitchen. “Look, he likes you and has been working up the courage to talk to you.” She glanced over her shoulder. “I know how intimidating he can look, but you have to understand, he’s always been a little . . . unsure.”
Emma narrowed her eyes. “What? Why? I don’t understand.”
“Look, it’s not my part of the story to tell, but give him a break, okay? He’s not the kind of guy you think he is.”
“What’s your part of the story?” Curiosity gripped Emma. She had to know everything. Wanted all the small details, the minutest parts of their lives. Yep, definitely entering psycho territory.
“Mine?” Hayden shrugged. “Our car broke down in front of my uncle’s Sheriff’s department.”
Confused, Emma shook her head. “I don’t think I understand. Weren’t you raised together? We know Loraine is your step-mom, you tell us all the time, but nothing else.”
“It'll be easier to show you than to tell you,” she announced, turning her back towards the crowd. “Which means, you have to pick a car.”
“I think I should pick one with enough room for Cassidy and me,” she said before nibbling on her lip.
“Yeah, so, Miss-I-have-my-own-secrets, why didn’t you tell us about Cassidy?”
They walked through the group of people still inside the house to where Bell stood holding a clipboard. “Well . . . everyone sees her as a complication. I see her as the last bit of my family, and I'd do anything for her.”
“You never have to feel like that around us. We would have always accepted her as part of the prick,” Hayden replied.
Emma cocked a brow. “Prick?”
Hayden nodded. “We’re trying out new variations of what we are. “Last week it was paid.”
“Um . . .”
“It’s a work in progress,” Hayden stated.
“Hey guys,” Bell said with an easy-going grin. “Have you signed up for a car to ride in?”
“No,” Emma answered. “I need space for two. Me and Cassidy.”
Bell glanced at the list. “Cassidy signed up for Tate's truck. She'll be with Tate, of course, Henry, Victor, and Shelly. By the way, who's Cassidy?”
“My sister,” Emma answered. Maybe she’d been a little too cautious when it came to keeping things to herself. “Surprise.”
“I already gave her the speech, don’t look at me,” Hayden said shrugging as she squeezed past them. “Are we ready to get this shindig on the road?
“You and I have so much to talk about on the way,” Bell said, as they headed for the door. “Lucky for you, we have one more seat in Jackson’s truck.”
Emma grimaced. “I don’t know. I don’t want to interrupt anything with you, Christoph, or Jackson.”
“You won’t be,” Bell answered, waving her off. “Besides, Bodhi is joining us.”
What, did everyone know about her deal with Hayden’s twin? “Uh . . . well . . . I guess, right? I mean it is the last spot.” She gave a nervous laugh.
“Oh, don’t be such a silly billy,” her friend chided. “We’re going to have fun. It’s only for a few hours.”
“Right. A couple of hours. What could go wrong?”
“Are we ready to go?” The deep, soulful sound of Bodhi's voice rocked Emma to her core.
“We were just finishing up car assignments.” Bell beamed. “Let’s go every—”
“They’re already outside, I came back in to get the both of you.” Bodhi pointed at Emma. “Little brunette out there said, and I quote, “you suck, carry your own shit,” end quote.”
“I am going to kill her.” Emma rubbed her forehead. “Sorry. She’s mad because she’s not at the lake with her friends.”
“’S okay,” Bodhi said. “I grabbed your stuff and put it in the back of Jackson’s truck.”
Did he have ESP, too? “Uh, thanks.”
“You’re welcome. We’re burning daylight, though.” Bodhi motioned for them to get going.
“You heard the man,” Bell said. “‘We’re burning daylight.’”

Two hours into the trip, Bodhi thought he’d blow a gasket at any moment. The intoxicating scent of his mate made his head spin and his gut knot. He itched to hold Emma in his arms and inhale her natural, honey and sugar perfume. The worst part? She didn’t even know it.
When Hayden told him that she wanted to go home for spring break, he’d been all for it. It would give him a chance to see his family and hopefully spend time getting to know Emma, too. Since the Greek Shifter Games, he’d tried to put himself in her way, but nothing seemed to work and, most times, he didn’t have a clue where she’d gone after classes were over. He thought about approaching Terri and talking to her, however, he also didn’t want his intentions to make the gossip rounds around campus.
Now, seeing her there, it all made sense. She had a younger sister she’d been taking care of. No wonder she never stuck around for idle chit-chat. He liked Cassidy, from the little bit he talked to her. She reminded him of Colin. His cousin had a no-nonsense approach to life. He also had a mouth like his father, Kalkin. His aunt Keeley had given up on reprimanding Colin, especially when his father took advantage of her temper—in a sexual way. Their little trysts were legendary and were only rivaled by his aunt Danielle and his uncle Caden.
He realized at a young age, mates were different from most couples. Their bond was deeper, unbreakable. They were tied together in more than one way—sometimes. The idea he could physically knot his mate, when the moon was full, blessed by the spirits . . . it made him more determined to win Emma over. Sure, they were young and had time to live and get to know each other before they had kids, but still the body wanted what the body craved, and his yearned for her.
But, how did he tell her?
Every time he got close to her, she clammed up. The smell of her arousal would thicken, and then, she’d run away. She had to know the truth. She had to realize what they were by now. Right?
Bodhi eased forward. For the last hour, Emma had been doodling in her journal. He hadn’t thought much about it. Yet, her hand kept making the same motion. He’d gotten good at observing people. Following in his uncles’ and then his dad’s shadows had honed his skills. What the hell is she writing? Curiosity gripped him, and he leaned closer.
Emma Raferty.
Emma Diane Raferty.
E + B Forever ♥.
It’s a nice day for a white wedding . . . .
Holy shit. He sat back, trying to process what he saw, compared to what he believed he saw because he wanted her. Could it be? How many times had she written his name or their names together in that book of hers? Inquisitiveness said he should take it from her and look through it when she wasn’t paying attention, yet, he didn’t want to be an asshole either. She had to come to him willingly. It was what his uncles and his father had taught him. Never force a mating. If the right one comes along, you’ll both know, and it’ll happen, naturally.
Yeah, well, he had to find out if she meant what she wrote, too. He inched forward again, this time placing his face next to hers. Her intoxicating scent shot straight to his head and groin. “Whatcha doin’?”
Emma gasped, her hands slammed down on the page she’d been doodling on. Hearts and squiggly lines surrounded their names along with little bows, and bells. He found it adorable.
“Nothing. Bored is all.” Her gaze slowly slid towards his. “What are you doing?” A pink tinge colored her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, darkening her freckles. God, he loved those, too. She was everything he wanted in a mate . . . and then some.
“Bored, too. Getting hungry. Bell, when are we stopping to eat?” His eyes never left hers as he talked to his cousin. Whatever connection they were building in those scant few seconds, he didn’t want to break.
“In about thirty miles,” she answered, turning in her seat to glance back at them. Her blue-eyed gaze sparkled. “Emma, are you okay?”
She gave a shaky nod of her head. “Uh, sure. No problems here. Need to stretch my legs, though.”
Bell frowned. “This is always the longest part of the trip. I swear it gets easier from here. Hey, how about some music to distract us?”
“Nothing from Bodhi,” Christoph growled.
“Somehow, I don’t think Wheels on The Bus, fits this little journey,” Jackson added.
“Fuck, you guys,” Bodhi chuckled. “One time I get hacked, and you never let me live it down.” The problem hadn’t been his, anyway. Lacey and her hench-bitches had messed with his equipment and tried to ruin Bell’s party. Thankfully, once Christoph saved the day with his phone, Bodhi used the skills his aunt Keeley taught him, and with a few simple strokes of the keys, he fixed the issue. The other hench-bitches were dealt with by Bell.
“I have mixtapes!” Emma began rummaging through her bag, uncaring that she had eights sets of eyes on her.
“A mixtape?” Bodhi cocked his head to the side. “Serious?”
She glanced at him. Excitement and a bit of happiness hit him square in the solar plexus as it washed over him. “Yes. All of my favorite songs are on it. Well, some of them.” Emma giggled. “I have more at home. I thought maybe a few for the trip would be plenty.”
Bell frowned. “Emma, Jackson doesn’t have—”
“It’s okay. I brought my own with an AV cable. I come prepared.” She grasped what she’d been looking for. “Ah-ha! Got it.” She pulled out the clear case with a clear cassette inside with pink and yellow writing on it, along with a small, black tape player.
Bodhi had seen stuff like she held at Mrs. Martin’s place all the time. In fact, she used to have books on tape; ones specifically for kids, and he’d listen to them for hours. However, he’d never seen one outside of her shop before. “That’s really cool.”
She blushed again, this time a deeper shade of crimson. “Thanks. I’m kind of old school, I guess. I get it from my mom. She loved 80’s music. It’s how I keep her close. You know?”
Sadness washed over him as he listened to her. He wondered what happened to her parents to cause her to care for her younger sister. But, by the way her scent changed, he knew the answer. Her mother died. Fuck.
“We’d be honored to listen to it then,” Jackson whispered. “In honor of her memory.” He reached out for the tape player and cable.
Emma sighed. “Thanks guys, for . . . you know, not making fun of me.”
Bodhi growled. “No one as special as you should ever be made fun of.”
Her mouth fell open. “T-thanks.”
“You never have to thank me for imparting the truth. So, what kind of songs are on this tape of yours?”
Emma settled, turning slightly toward him, and Bodhi considered it a small victory. “Only the most kick-ass music ever made!”

Pick up your copy now!